PHP Doku:: For Each - com.examples.foreach.html

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Arrays and Array-style COM properties>>

For Each

Starting with PHP 5, you may use PHP's own foreach statement to iterate over the contents of a standard COM/OLE IEnumVariant. In layman's terms, this means that you can use foreach in places where you would have used For Each in VB/ASP code.

Beispiel #1 For Each in ASP

Set domainObject = GetObject("WinNT://Domain")
For Each obj in domainObject
  Response.Write obj.Name & "<br />"

Beispiel #2 while() ... Next() in PHP 4

= new COM("WinNT://Domain"); 
while (
$obj $domainObject->Next()) { 
$obj->Name "<br />"


Beispiel #3 foreach in PHP 5

= new COM("WinNT://Domain"); 
foreach (
$domainObject as $obj) { 
$obj->Name "<br />"


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