PHP Doku:: Liste der CURL Kontextoptionen - context.curl.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Kontextoptionen und -parameter

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Phar context options>>

CURL Kontextoptionen

CURL KontextoptionenListe der CURL Kontextoptionen


Die CURL Kontextoptionen sind verfügbar wenn die CURL-Erweiterun mit Hilfe der configure-Option --with-curlwrappers kompiliert wurde.


method string

GET, POST, oder jede andere vom angesprochenen Server unterstützte HTTP-Methode.

Vorgabewert ist GET.

header string

Additional headers to be sent during request. Values in this option will override other values (such as User-agent:, Host:, and Authentication:).

user_agent string

Der in der User-Agent: Kopfzeile zu übermittelnde Wert

Vorgabewert ist die php.ini-Einstellung user_agent.

content string

Additional data to be sent after the headers. This option is not used for GET or HEAD requests.

proxy string

URI specifying address of proxy server. (e.g. tcp://

max_redirects integer

The max number of redirects to follow. Value 1 or less means that no redirects are followed.

Defaults to 20.

curl_verify_ssl_host boolean

Verify the host.

Defaults to FALSE


This option is available for both the http and ftp protocol wrappers.

curl_verify_ssl_peer boolean

Require verification of SSL certificate used.

Defaults to FALSE


This option is available for both the http and ftp protocol wrappers.


Beispiel #1 Fetch a page and send POST data


'var1' => 'some content',
'var2' => 'doh'

$opts = array('http' =>
'method'  => 'POST',
'header'  => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => $postdata

$context  stream_context_create($opts);

$result file_get_contents(''false$context);


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patrick dot allaert at gmail dot com
5.09.2008 13:48
In PHP 5.2.6, the header option requires an array and not a string if PHP is built with --with-curlwrappers

Patrick Allaert

EDIT: In PHP 5.2.10 both string or an array are accepted. // Jani

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