PHP Doku:: Caching by last modification - function.http-cache-last-modified.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

HTTP Funktionen




(PECL pecl_http >= 0.1.0)

http_cache_last_modifiedCaching by last modification


bool http_cache_last_modified ([ int $timestamp_or_expires ] )

Attempts to cache the sent entity by its last modification date.

If the supplied argument is greater than 0, it is handled as timestamp and will be sent as date of last modification. If it is 0 or omitted, the current time will be sent as Last-Modified date. If it's negative, it is handled as expiration time in seconds, which means that if the requested last modification date is not between the calculated timespan, the Last-Modified header is updated and the actual body will be sent.

A log entry will be written to the cache log if the INI-Einstellungen http.log.cache is set and the cache attempt was successful.

Hinweis: Diese Funktion kann zusammen mit http_send_data(), http_send_file() und http_send_stream() benutzt werden.



Unix timestamp


Liefert FALSE oder beendet bei Erfolg with 304 Not Modified if the entity is cached. See the INI-Einstellungen http.force_exit for what "exits" means.


Beispiel #1 A http_cache_last_modified() example

Caching for 5 seconds.


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