PHP Doku:: Nummer der kürzlich eingetroffenen Nachrichten - function.imap-num-recent.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

IMAP Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imap_num_recentNummer der kürzlich eingetroffenen Nachrichten


int imap_num_recent ( resource $imap_stream )

Liefert die Anzahl der kürzlich eingetroffenen Nachrichten im aktuellen Postfach.



Eine von imap_open() zurückgegebene IMAP-Verbindung.


Liefert die Anzahl der kürzlich eingetroffenen Nachrichten im aktuellen Postfach als Integer.

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kucera2 at centrum dot sk
7.08.2009 14:54
If someone want to know number of unreaded messages just use imap_mailboxmsginfo
jhoglin at digital-elephant dot com
24.09.2003 0:25
If you would like to skip the update of recent messages use the OP_READONLY flag when you open to check for new messages.
dizzy at roedu dot net
4.02.2003 18:36
of course it doesnt. because "recent" does NOT mean "unseen" . they are different. for Maildir users, recent means messages found in the "new" subdir (which are moved to "cur" on the first opening of the Inbox). "unseen" are the messages you guys probably want (messages which have never been read).
rok at ipunkt dot biz
27.08.2002 23:10
The num_recent value does all the work it has to do. It returns only a number if the mail is not touched any time before.
stephane-wantiez at tiscalinet dot be
11.08.2002 19:13
Note that if you close your imap connexion, it seems that all the recents messages are no more recents...
So it's not very useful for a webmail...

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